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Nephilim Wars

  Nephilim Wars

  David Pollitt

  Nephilim Wars

  David Pollitt

  Professional Book Printing (PBP)


  Nephilim Wars

  Copyright © 2011 by David Pollitt

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other, except for brief quotations in printed review, without the prior permission of the author.

  Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible, © 1982, by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers, Nashville, Tenn. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

  ISBN: 1-932203-10-9


  I want to continue to acknowledge, my bride, Nancy, of 34 years. We renewed our vows on the 25th year with silver Jesus rings. We felt that we were married to Jesus first before we are married to each other. Nancy is such a blessing being such a giving and loving people-person and truly the love of my life. She agrees with me that Sewanee is the most appropriate and beautiful place to center a story and provide a holy sanctuary for everyone including the children.

  Hunter my 20-year-old son is my best fan, some call my clone, and in 2011 works for the FedEx Corporation. He has that perfect writer’s heart already writing and not following the pack. He makes his own decisions while not being afraid to spend time by himself without distractions—truly topnotch writer traits.

  I want to thank Mike Bushilla, owner of MGB Press, who has given me the opportunity to edit and format some of the best Christian books I have ever read as well as providing me with excellent publishing services.

  I also want to give credit to my parents when alive for all their encouragement for my writing adventures. My mother helped with her initial, rough-draft editing and gave me my love for writing and reading. My father was the quiet one who entertained himself with his active imagination. Like Father like son. That’s my habit. Thanks, Dad.

  Finally, I want to thank Shelly Castle for her wonderful cover artwork and for capturing the true children of the sanctuary: another homerun for Shelly.


  In these times, we should be more careful how we live our believer's walk. Some might say, "It is because Christ is returning at any moment." Yes, that should do it. It also may be that until He comes, things will get very bad. Is our faith also ready for that too? Regardless of when we believe the Lord is returning, we are all players in the most dramatic play ever written—The End-Time Play. In these end times, our actions can determine whether we live or die—eternally and now.

  Writing this series has been a wonderful adventure with the Holy Spirit. I refuse to use bad language, but my only luxury in fiction is the use of my own imagination. I hope my stretching of it, my imagination, doesn't offend anyone. It seems a place I can go, as can the reader and a writer, which is safe when God is there. The inclusion of angel war and those things that take place in warfare: violence, blood, sweat, and tear are present and accounted for. We can’t have warfare without them. Prepare yourself.

  I seek to use romantic rather than other ways to describe relationships. I want anyone to be able to read this and not be offended and/or educated outside the will of God. I want readers to understand romance as a beautiful, tender, and playful love between others. These are God's books because they are about our Lord and biblical things; and I refuse to spoil them with trash. However, I want to talk about romance and love in ways that draw us closer to Jesus. For, remember, if we haven't been intimate with Jesus, we can't be truly intimate with others.

  Enjoy the series and learn to let God light up your imagination and take you to Godly wonderful places of peace and safety.

  Oh! If you like even one of these books,

  you'll love all of them.

  Other Books By David Pollitt

  Cleft of the Rock 2002

  (A study on the 23rd Psalm)

  Talking the Talk of the New Covenant Species 2004

  With Fear and Trembling: Walking the 2004

  Walk of the New Covenant Species

  Hope For Gentle Old Men-Poetry 2004

  New Christian Fiction

  End-time Series: The Maranatha Chronicles

  Irish: An Angel’s Journey 2011

  The Children of the Sanctuary 2011

  Armageddon Darkness 2011

  Nephilim Wars 2011

  Other Christian Fiction

  Day of the Dragons Forthcoming

  Other Nonfiction

  Better Organizational Training & Communication 2009

  Preparing Excellence for the Excellent 2011

  Improving Learning & Performance with Teams Forthcoming


  Walking in the Garden Forthcoming

  Small Angel Dictionary

  Ephesians 6: 12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  This world we live in is not just flesh and blood. It is made of much more. You can close your eyes and try to deny it, but you cannot change it. We are few among many others existing in a realm that is earthly, heavenly, spiritual, but all too real.

  Seraphim’s: Are created to inflame humans to divine love. The highest order who surround the throne of God.

  Cherubim’s: Are angels who praise God day and night, unceasingly. They are guardians of the heavenly celestial elements.

  Thrones: Sometimes called "Wheels of God." Angels made of pure power and energy.

  Powers: Angels created to prevent demons from taking over the world.

  Nephilims: The offspring created when angels mated with humans.

  Power/Thrones: Angels, powers, who can change into thrones. (No such thing.)

  Heir-Servants: Special angels created to minister to Christian ministers and their families. Name is not a biblical name for an angel, but the actions are.

  Apollyon: The Greek name for Satan. (Rev. 9:11)